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六個月孕肚藏不住!超模吉吉哈蒂德久違開直播 親曝「不曬孕照」背後原因好暖心

2020-07-17 12:09 udn STYLE Lily

今年25歲的時尚超模吉吉哈蒂德Gigi Hadid)在他今年生日時爆出喜訊,與分合多年的男友贊恩馬利克將成為新手爸媽,預計在今年九月迎來他們的第一個孩子。其實吉吉一直對懷孕消息保密到家,被媒體《TMZ》爆出後才上吉米法隆的《今夜秀》親自說明懷孕消息。因為懷孕而情緒起伏大的他,當時還自爆自己每五分鐘就哭一次,因為一個自己很想吃的貝果蛋糕大哭一小時,讓主持人也忍不住笑出來。不過自從那以後,吉吉就極少在個人社群軟體上分享懷孕點滴,昨(16)天,他久違地打開了直播,親自回答網友們對他感到好奇的問題。

自疫情爆發以來,吉吉一家就一直在自家農場自主隔離,得到意外的長假,吉吉也正好能在這裡度過懷孕時光。不過身為時尚超模的他,面對疫情、非裔男之死等等議題,以及邀約不完的時尚活動,他也沒天天閒著,昨天的直播為的就是要跟粉絲分享由他策劃,並與《V》雜誌合作的「咖啡桌圖書」(coffee table books)—《GIGI JOURNAL Part II》。

《GIGI JOURNAL Part II》是吉吉親自策畫的圖書,內容收錄32幅來自世界各地的藝術作品,都是由吉吉在2萬件作品中親自挑選出來,包括新冠肺炎、非裔男之死等等社會議題,都在這64頁裡的圖書中呈現。除此之外,吉吉還親自設計了封面製作,並加入了「夜光」小巧思,他昨天在直播中親自開箱給粉絲看,在沒有照射到光線的狀態下,封面是全白的,在接收到陽光之後會浮現他繪製的封面,拿到黑暗的室內後,會發光變成夜光版,非常有創意。

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

‘ Gigi Journal : Part II ‘ is finally on select newsstands TODAY 🧡 cover art by yours truly :) @vmagazine A percentage of proceeds will be split among four organizations: @blklivesmatter, @naacp, @aclu_nationwide, and @campaignzero ++ I have pledged to match, in donation, what is raised from sold copies of this book. Link in bio to order online. MADE WITH LOVE xG _____________ Guest Editor & Creative Director: @gigihadid⁣ Contributors: @ayy.bee / @austyn / @osopepatrisse / @sophia_roe / @cleowade / @iamderay / @nicolecounts /@brigettehoffman / @copper.raven.studio / @kathrin_marchenko / @tanaka_tatsuya / @momo_4011 / @tess_murdoch / @awesometheaustin / @valeriaazulay_ilustraciones / @times.new.romance / @andreaanimates / @hollyrazaviart / @smallditch / @misha_japanwala / @hyei.oh / @erikaleesears / @phobymo / @witenry / @jacobs_food_diaries / @artbyslimster / @ericjmcarthur / @emilyjoyceartwork / @konel_bread / @kikebesada / @thejonmoody / @amberdoe⁣

Gigi Hadid(@gigihadid)分享的貼文 於 張貼


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Repost @vmagazine : Gigi Journal Part II is here! Presenting a medley of innovative art and fresh perspectives, by artists derived from over 20,000 submissions, the journal serves as a reflection of the events we are all experiencing through its theme: Quaranti(m)e: Your Experience in Quarantine / Honoring Essential Workers. Initially conceived to document creatiVity in quarantine, the journal expanded once the revival of the #BlackLivesMatter movement reignited. As @gigihadid explains as part of her Editor’s Letter, “With only about a week left til this journal’s deadline, at the height of [BLM] protests in the US and around the globe, I felt strongly that it was [our] responsibility to amplify Black-American voices using this platform and privilege.” Available now for pre-order, the journal features Gigi’s hand-painted cover art and 32 exclusive pieces from artists around the globe, as well as written contributions from leaders in the racial-justice movement. Truly a one-of-a-kind hardbound keepsake, the journal’s covers have been printed with solar activated and glow-in-the-dark ink!⁣ ⁣ The journal also strives to give back: a percentage of the proceeds will be split among four organizations: @blklivesmatter, @naacp, @aclu_nationwide, and @campaignzero (Gigi has also pledged to match that amount with a personal donation). ⁣ ⁣ Gigi Journal Part II is available for pre-order, link in bio! ⁣ Newsstand date: July 15th⁣ —⁣ Cover artwork: @gigihadid ⁣ Back artwork: @austyn for @blklivesmatter (& creative directed by @osopepatrisse)

Gigi Hadid(@gigihadid)分享的貼文 於 張貼




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