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「我們會與你站在一起戰鬥!」好萊塢名人齊上街抗議 非裔男之死事件持續發酵

2020-06-04 12:09 udn STYLE Lily

美國明尼蘇達州一名非裔男子喬治佛洛伊德(George Floyd),因警方執法過當而不幸過世。警方以膝蓋壓制喬治頸部近九分鐘,最後導致他失去意識,在送醫之後宣告不治。此事件引起全美人民憤怒,因為這已經不是第一次警方執法過當,而這次還有多名路人勸阻警察,但他還是無動於衷,最後導致憾事發生。目前美國各地已開始發生抗議、暴動,甚至還有多個警察局被燒,各州也開始頒布宵禁令。



不少企業、品牌、名人也開始向大眾喊話,他們選擇與人民站在一起,為黑人族群發聲。包括女神卡卡、亞莉安娜格蘭德、提摩西夏勒梅等人,而最近加入群眾的明星也開始變多,大家都走出戶外,高舉抗議標語,並利用自身影響力號召更多人加入抗議行列。女星莉莉柯林斯在IG分享了抗議實況,他感性表示自己會跟大家站在一起,並嚴肅指出「沉默就是暴力」,希望大家可以一起參與抗議行動。《河谷鎮》女星卡蜜拉曼德斯(camila mendes)在洛杉磯參加抗議,他也希望能有更多人關注這件事,並鼓勵大家加入他們。

圖/截自Cara Delevingne、Ashley Benson IG

圖/截自Cara Delevingne、Ashley Benson IG

很遺憾在上個月初傳出分手的卡拉迪樂芬妮艾希莉班森,兩人不約而同參加抗議遊行。卡拉戴著髮帶以及彩虹背帶,手舉著「BLACK LIVES MATTER」的牌子,寫下「前進了一小步,但還有很長一段路要走。」(One step forward, but a long way to go.)前女友艾希莉班森則PO出「不是暴動,是革命。」(Not A Riot,A Revolution.)的標語,並鼓勵大家可以捐款或是連署請願書。

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

This movement is powerful. And necessary. It’s overdue. ⠀ ⠀ I am white, I am privileged. I will never experience what black people in America go through every single day, but I am listening and I am learning. I march with you and will fight with you. This is just the beginning, but it’s a small step towards changing the system. ⠀ ⠀ The layers of this fight are endless — but one layer we must talk about is passive racism. NOT saying something makes you part of the problem. Silence is violence. I have been part of the problem. I’m ashamed and embarrassed to admit this but recognizing it is important. And I understand that I need to try my best to rectify that now by moving through the shame and speaking up and out even if it makes people I know feel uncomfortable.⠀ ⠀ I have learned so much in the last few months and last few days about how problematic and dangerous being quiet and non-confrontational is. We have to be better allies. ⠀ ⠀ Now that we’re here, I keep asking myself and asking others: How do we move forward? How do I, as a white person, do better?⠀ ⠀ Educate yourself. Learn the history behind the outrage.⠀ ⠀ Be vocal. This can be on social media, this can be at protests — but that’s not all. The most impactful thing we can do right now is have meaningful conversations with our friends, family who might not understand the nuances of being anti- racist. Stand firm in that you are on the right side of this. ⠀ ⠀ Take action. Donate to causes that are working toward ending violence and working to undo the laws that hold up an very flawed system. Support black businesses. Support black creatives. I will add organizations I’m supporting in my stories if this is helpful as a jumping off point. ⠀ ⠀ We have failed in so many ways throughout the history of this country, and enough is enough. Don’t let your own shame silence you. ⠀ ⠀ With love, I urge you, as young people especially, to actively join in and help create change...

Lily Collins(@lilyjcollins)分享的貼文 於 張貼

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》捐款、連署、PO黑圖 大咖韓星紛紛響應「Black Lives Matter」

》娜塔莉波曼、艾瑪華森、坎達爾珍娜IG一片漆黑,大聲疾呼「Black Lives Matter」

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