明尼蘇達州一名非裔男子喬治佛洛伊德(George Floyd)被警方盤查時被壓制頸部近九分鐘,最終失去意識,在送醫後宣告不治。此事件引起全美憤怒,在各州都發生了大規模暴動事件,甚至頒布了宵禁令。美國總統川普聲稱已致電慰問家屬,不過佛洛伊德的弟弟採訪時則表示自己根本無法插話,讓民眾憤怒值再次升高。自5月25日發生這件憾事後已經過一個禮拜,許多名人、品牌、明星們也開始向大眾喊話,希望大家可以一起站出來,為枉死的喬治佛洛伊德發聲。
近日,SNS上也發起了#BlackLivesMatter、#BlackoutTuesday運動,大家紛紛貼出黑色底圖並標記標籤,透過貼文來讓更多人關注此事。昨(2)天,許多企業品牌則進行「暗黑星期二」(Blackout Tuesday)活動,音樂串流平台Spotify在播放列表中插入了長達八分鐘的無聲音軌以向喬治佛洛伊德致敬,各大品牌也在昨天一天停止發布任何貼文,來表達沉默的抗議。而知名歌手蕾哈娜則霸氣暫停營業同名彩妝、內衣品牌一天,藉由不便來引起人們對此事的重視。
運動品牌龍頭NIKE則大動作將招牌口號「Just Do it.」換成了「Don't Do it.」就連對手愛迪達都先放下競爭,轉發NIKE的貼文。各大精品品牌也都不約而同發布貼文以表支持,包括VERSACE、FENDI、JEAN PAUL GAULTIER、DIOR、LOUIS VUITTON、PRADA、BURBERRY、CHANEL、YSL等高端品牌。BURBERRY感性表示:「這世上沒有空間能容納種族歧視。身而為人,我們都需要做得更好!」DIOR則霸氣貼出:「DIOR STANDS WITH YOU.」一起為喬治佛洛伊德發聲,對抗不公不義。
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文During this painful time, it is important to openly acknowledge the fear, anxiety, anger and sadness that many of you may be feeling. At Dior, we are allies in the fight against racism and our hearts go out to all those who suffer because of these senseless acts of aggression and injustice. Dior does not tolerate any form of discrimination and we do not advocate violence. We believe in the humanity of people and the importance of every life. #blacklivesmatter
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文The Prada Group is outraged and saddened by the injustices facing the Black community and stands in steadfast support and solidarity against racism. We raise our voice and continue to work with our Diversity and Inclusion Council to fight for racial justice everywhere.
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文We speak today as members of a global community, united in solidarity with those who are standing up for change. . The murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade and too many others are a painful reminder of how far we still need to go in the fight against racism and all forms of inequality. . As human beings, we all need to do better. If we are to build a truly inclusive society where everyone is respected and valued, we need to speak up, listen to and learn from one another and take action. . At Burberry, we have made a commitment to fostering a culture of inclusion, equity and belonging. Now more than ever, we stand strongly by it, informed by each other and our Diversity and Inclusion Councils. . As allies, we are adding our voice to the call for the change that is needed. As part of this we will be making a donation to Black Lives Matter. . #blacklivesmatter