繼美國最大連鎖內衣品牌維多利亞的秘密(Victoria's Secret)之後,CHANEL香奈兒也首次找來變性女模泰迪奎利文(Teddy Quinlivan)拍攝CHANEL BEAUTY香奈兒彩妝廣告。隨著性別平權的意識抬頭,各大品牌找來變性名模拍攝廣告備受好評,也成功引發話題。《 udn STYLE 》就幫你彙整出4位美到超越性別的「性別重置名模」。
1. 泰迪奎利文(Teddy Quinlivan)
CHANEL香奈兒今年找來拍攝CHANEL BEAUTY香奈兒彩妝廣告的,就是來自波士頓的泰迪奎利文(Teddy Quinlivan)。2017年就以跨性別女模的身分踏上時裝周的舞台,更登上時尚雜誌封面。不僅擁有180公分的高挑身材,還有一張精緻的臉龐,廣告中擦起口紅展現超越性別的自信與美麗。
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文💄CHANEL BEAUTY💄 -I find I don’t cry anymore when things are sad, but isn’t it interesting when we shed tears in moments of triumph. This was one of those triumphant cry moments for me. My whole life has been a fight. From being bullied at school consistently, kids threatening to kill me and going into graphic detail how they were going to do it, my own father beating me and calling me a fagot, to receiving industry blowback after speaking publicly about being sexually assaulted on the job... This was a victory that made all of that shit worth it. I had walked 2 shows for Chanel while I was living in stealth ( stealth meaning I hadn’t made my trans identity public yet) and when I came out I knew I’d stop working with some brands, I thought I’d never work with the iconic house of Chanel ever again. But here I am in Chanel Beauty Advertising. I am the first openly trans person to work for the house of Chanel, and I am deeply humbled and proud to represent my community. The world will kick you down, spit on you, and tell you you’re worthless. It’s your job to have the strength to stand up and push on, to keep fighting, Because if you give up then you will never experience the tears of triumph. Thank you to everyone who made this dream a reality! @nicolaskantor @shazmakeup @sebastienrichard1 @casadevallbelen
2. 瓦倫蒂娜桑帕伊奧(Valentina Sampaio)
來自巴西的跨性別女模瓦倫蒂娜桑帕伊奧(Valentina Sampaio),因為從小就一直無法接受自己的男兒身,從8歲開始被父母送去接受心理治療。之後在青少年時期瓦倫蒂娜決定去動變性手術,成為現在紅遍時尚圈的超級名模。今年初更被美國最大的內衣品牌維多利亞的秘密(Victoria's Secret)簽下,拍攝維密較為年輕的PINK系列的廣告。
3. 杭特沙弗(Hunter Schafer)
今年才20歲的杭特沙弗(Hunter Schafer),空靈優雅有如仙女般的氣質外型,一出道就受到矚目。近年還將發展觸角延展到戲劇圈,在HBO最新電視影集《高校十八禁(Euphoria)》中飾演一名跨性別者。除此之外杭特還是一個藝術家,也經常會把自己的繪畫作品放在IG跟網友分享。
4. 吉娜蘿傑拉(Geena Rocero)
出生於菲律賓吉娜蘿傑拉(Geena Rocero),在泰國進行2次變性手術,15歲就開始參加選美比賽。17歲時移民美國舊金山,直到21歲被星探發現後就此踏上模特兒之路。除了模特兒的工作之外,吉娜積極投入變性人的人權活動,設立Gender Proud多媒體公司,製作有關同性戀與變性人等相關議題的作品。