但事實上,今年32歲的Lizzo其實出道得早,但一直沒有大紅,直到他的〈Truth Hurts〉被放在Netflix一部影集作為插曲,才讓他真正大紅。而他本身的大尺碼身材也是許多人喜歡討論的話題,不過Lizzo本人非常做自己,就像他的歌一樣,帶著批判且對自身感到驕傲。除了他的歌詞能激勵人心之外,他本人也說過不少金句,今天就來跟大家分享,Lizzo對於生活、感情、身材的獨到見解吧!
I've never been‘sample size.’I'll never be‘sample size’… And I ain't‘plus-sized’ I'm MY SIZE.
I love creating shapes with my body, and I love normalizing the dimples in my butt or the lumps in my thighs or my back fat or my stretch marks. I love normalizing my black-ass elbows. I think it's beautiful.
I don't think that loving yourself is a choice. I think that it's a decision that has to be made for survival.
I finally realised that owning up to your vulnerabilities is a form of strength.
I was so moved by music that I wanted to create it as well, but once you decide that's what you want to do with your life, to be successful,you have to be business-minded, too.
Love Yourself. Eat like you love yourself. Drink water like you love yourself.
Never ever let somebody stop you or shame you from being yourself.
I work on myself daily to be a better person. When I react in a negative way to somebody, I sit back and think about why I did it, so I'm always working on myself, and my music is the same.