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《霹靂嬌娃》克莉絲汀史都華、娜歐蜜史考特、艾拉巴林斯卡火辣兼具帥氣 簡直男女通殺

2019-11-05 15:23 udn STYLE Amber

由卡麥蓉狄亞(Cameron Diaz)、茱兒芭莉摩(Jule Barrymore)和劉玉玲(Lucy Liu)三位所主演的《霹靂嬌娃》可說是許多人心中的不敗經典動作喜劇。而新版的《霹靂嬌娃》也將於今年底上映,是由《暮光之城》的克莉絲汀史都華(Kristen Stewart)、娜歐蜜史考特(Naomi Scott)、艾拉巴林斯卡(Ella Balinska)三位飾演新版的「嬌娃」。





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𝙶𝙸𝚁𝙻 𝙿𝙾𝚆𝙴𝚁 | The latest recruits for the feminist-utopian take on Charlie’s Angels star on the cover of V’s Winter 2019 issue. Inside V122, Kristen Stewart, Naomi Scott, and Ella Balinksa bring serious glamour to a secluded retreat in the Hollywood Hills. View the full story at the link in bio and pre-order #V122 now on Shopify 🛒 — Photography: @carinbackoffphoto Styling: @karenlangleystylist Makeup: Kristen (@jilliandempsey // Starworks Artists) Naomi (@missjobaker // Forward Artists) Ella (@makeupvincent // The Wall Group) Hair: Kristen (@hairbyadir // Starworks Artists) Naomi (@bridgetbragerhair // The Wall Group) Ella (@lacyredway // The Wall Group) Nails: Stephanie Stone ( Forward Artists) Casting: @itboygregk Set Designer: @evan_jourden Producer: Benjamin Bonnet (Westy Productions) Production Manager: Zoe Taldy (Westy Productions) Digital Technician: Daniel Goldwasser Photo Assistants: Sean O’Neil, Fred Mitchell Stylist Assistants: Cody Allen, Stephanie Drew Manicure Assistant: Mel Shengaris Production Assistants: Greg Bonner, Darius Popenhagen Location: Randy Simon House — Ella wears jacket @tomford, shorts @chanelofficial, boots @ysl by @anthonyvaccarello, earrings @cartier Kristen wears jacket @miumiu, swimsuit @normakamali, belt @chanelofficial, shoes @gucci Naomi wears swimsuit @normakamali, pants @michaelkors, belt @chanelofficial, shoes @ferragamo, bracelet @tiffanyandco — #V

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𝙺𝚁𝙸𝚂𝚃𝙴𝙽 丨Kristen Stewart no longer has to hide. In #V122, the Charlie’s Angels actress opens up about her connection to her character and the ways she’s grown into herself both as an actress and an individual. For Stewart, being vulnerable with others hasn’t always been an easy path. — “You think [my character's] a hard-ass, but she actually just doesn’t quite know how to [connect],” Stewart said. “[M]y younger self could’ve related to that immensely. [Even now] I know how to hide, and not [be] in the center of things. But now I feel like I have this very solid, modest ‘square-one’ [in my life]—this [foundation]. I know how to treat people and, you know, that sometimes takes a long time. Like, even just knowing how to really be open with the people in your life, or having them as close to me as possible...That is really important.” View the full story at the link in bio and pre-order #V122 now on Shopify 🛒 — Photography: @carinbackoffphoto Styling: @karenlangleystylist Makeup: Kristen (@jilliandempsey // Starworks Artists) Hair: @hairbyadir // Starworks Artists) Nails: Stephanie Stone ( Forward Artists) Casting: @itboygregk Set Designer: @evan_jourden Producer: Benjamin Bonnet (Westy Productions) Production Manager: Zoe Taldy (Westy Productions) Digital Technician: Daniel Goldwasser Photo Assistants: Sean O’Neil, Fred Mitchell Stylist Assistants: Cody Allen, Stephanie Drew Manicure Assistant: Mel Shengaris Production Assistants: Greg Bonner, Darius Popenhagen Location: Randy Simon House — Kristen wears bra and hat @gucci, necklaces and bracelet @jilliandempsey / On eyes @chanel.beauty Stylo Yeux Waterproof Eyeliner in Noir Intense, @chanel.beauty Le Volume Ultra-Noir de @chanel.beauty Mascara in Noir Intense — #V

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𝙽𝙰𝙾𝙼𝙸 丨Naomi Scott’s time filming Charlie’s Angels has been nearly as action-packed as the film itself. Having bonded with her costars, Scott feels privy to a side of them beyond the public eye. She especially defended Kristen Stewart over the misconception that she’s “over-serious.” — “One of my favorite things to do, when people ask, “What is Kristen like?” is to just say, ‘Let me tell you how cool this person is…’” Scott said. “The frustrating part is feeling like you understand this person [in a way others don’t].” View the full story at the link in bio and pre-order #V122 now on Shopify 🛒 — Photography: @carinbackoffphoto Styling: @karenlangleystylist Makeup: @missjobaker // Forward Artists Hair: @bridgetbragerhair // The Wall Group Nails: Stephanie Stone ( Forward Artists) Casting: @itboygregk Set Designer: @evan_jourden Producer: Benjamin Bonnet (Westy Productions) Production Manager: Zoe Taldy (Westy Productions) Digital Technician: Daniel Goldwasser Photo Assistants: Sean O’Neil, Fred Mitchell Stylist Assistants: Cody Allen, Stephanie Drew Manicure Assistant: Mel Shengaris Production Assistants: Greg Bonner, Darius Popenhagen Location: Randy Simon House — Naomi wears coat and pants @balenciaga, shoes @jimmychoo, necklace @cartier — #V

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𝙴𝙻𝙻𝙰 丨Before signing on to Elizabeth Banks’ directorial take on #CharliesAngels, actress Ella Balinska thought she was in the running for a completely different film. “I got an email, via my team, about the project‚ but not with the actual name of the project,” she tells her #CharliesAngels costars inside #V122. The pseudonym used for the film? ‘Silver Cloud.’ — Balinska continued: “I found out I’d gotten [the chance to audition for] “Silver Cloud,” and then at the bottom of the email, it was like, “Oh and by the way…It’s Charlie’s Angels.” Like, let’s cut the bullshit [laughs]. Then I pretty much just sent my tape off.” The rest is history! Read her full conversation with her kickass co-stars up now at the link in bio and pre-order your copy via Shopify. — Photography: @carinbackoffphoto Styling: #KarenLangley Makeup: @makeupvincent // The Wall Group Hair: @lacyredway // The Wall Group Nails: Stephanie Stone ( Forward Artists) Casting: @itboygregk Set Designer: @evan_jourden Producer: Benjamin Bonnet (Westy Productions) Production Manager: Zoe Taldy (Westy Productions) Digital Technician: Daniel Goldwasser Photo Assistants: Sean O’Neil, Fred Mitchell Stylist Assistants: Cody Allen, Stephanie Drew Manicure Assistant: Mel Shengaris Production Assistants: Greg Bonner, Darius Popenhagen Location: Randy Simon House — Ella wears top and shorts @prada, hats @miumiu / On lips @chanel.beauty Rouge Coco Gloss in Rose Pulpe — #V

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