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超模時尚美照都是這樣拍的!Coco Rocha扭腰擺臀像在跳舞,一堆學生手機錄影搶學密技

2019-08-20 20:20 udn STYLE 記者王威智

一張好看的時尚美照,總能在FB、IG吸引許多網友按讚與關注。不僅是靠相機軟體的濾鏡修圖,其實從按下快門那一刻就注定一張照片的成敗。加拿大超模可可羅恰Coco Rocha)每一張美照放上時尚版面總能引起網友讚嘆,這也讓許多人好奇,可可羅恰如此具有律動感的時尚美照到底是怎麼拍的?



在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

A question I’m getting asked a lot at @cocorochamodelcamp is what I think about computer generated (CGI) “models” and “influencers”. To be frank, I think they represent the natural continuation to a decade of overzealous photoshop, deceptively crafted social media lives and extensive plastic surgery on the worlds most famous faces (not to mention Snapchat filters 😜). To be sure CGI “models” can, will and already are taking some modeling gigs that were otherwise traditionally the job of a flesh and blood human being. Wether you realized it or not, this is already happening in e-commerce and advertising. The truth is, there are models who are at risk of losing jobs to their digital rivals for the simple fact that they may actually be worse at the art of modeling than their CGI counterparts. For those models, now is the time to step to up their game and stop relying on being just a pretty face. For models to survive and thrive beyond 2019 I think they have to continue to make themselves irreplaceable to the creative process, and I have no doubt they always will. As a side note, this video is not CGI but I always thought I looked like an animated robot in it 😉 Thanks to @visionaireworld @jameskaliardos and @matthewplacek for helping dig it up (music by @fischerspooner). #CGI #models #modelingindustry

𝕮𝖔𝖈𝖔 𝕽𝖔𝖈𝖍𝖆(@cocorocha)分享的貼文 於 張貼


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