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Mystery Plant in the Wonderland白K金南洋珠鑽石戒指,15萬元。圖/MIKIMOTO提供
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Mystery Plant in the Wonderland白K金珍珠鑽石串鍊,調整釦飾位置,可變化為Y字鍊或雙排鍊,價格店洽。圖/MIKIMOTO提供
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聽音樂拍照,謝沛恩格外「入戲」,穿BV黑色羊毛V領洋裝91,800元,配戴MIKIMOTO新品,配戴Mystery Plant in the Wonderland珍珠鑽石串鍊49萬元、Bubbles in the Wonderland真珠鑽戒51,000元。記者王騰毅/攝影
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謝沛恩展現俏皮可愛的一面,穿BV彩色羊毛洋裝10萬3,400 元,香檳粉小羊皮牛津鞋31,900元,配戴MIKIMOTO新品Butterflies in the Wonderland珍珠鑽石串鍊70萬元、Mystery Plant in the Wonderland南洋珠鑽戒15萬元。記者王騰毅/攝影
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Bubbles in the Wonderland白K金珍珠鑽石墜鍊,58,000元。圖/MIKIMOTO提供
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Butterflies in the Wonderland玫瑰金珍珠耳環,垂墜珍珠可拆下變化不同戴法,價格店洽。圖/MIKIMOTO提供
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Bubbles in the Wonderland白K金珍珠鑽石戒指,51,000元。圖/MIKIMOTO提供