「我認爲不完美給了我不斷進步的自由」吉吉哈蒂德26歲生日快樂 回顧辣媽超模的十句勵志金句
除了面對酸民攻擊,他還曾在香奈兒場上直接攔截一位鬧事的網紅,擋住他的去路並把他請下台,還曾動手反擊在時裝周場外企圖抱他來得到關注的網紅,這些舉動都讓他成為女性典範,而他也年紀輕輕就拿下年度模特兒獎,還主持過iHeartRadio Much Music Video Awards頒獎典禮,展現連換六套禮服的超模威嚴。關於他的人生哲理與處世態度,小編整理了吉吉哈蒂德的十句經典名言,一起來一窺他的超模之路成功關鍵吧。
I feel like I try to keep learning every time I step off a runway, I try to get better with each one.
I think that not being perfect has given me the freedom to keep getting better.
I try to be more goofy when I'm on set now that I'm more comfortable. In real life, I'm so goofy and super weird. I'm never mean but people don't see the weird side of me.
I always feel better and more beautiful in things that I'm comfortable in so I was fine with putting a little makeup on and keeping my leggings on and going to a party.
I'm an athletic person. But I love my body because I know what it's been through to be what it is. And honestly I'm not going to change for someone that is depressed about their life.
It's been something that has always been kind of okay with me - not in the sense that I didn't want to get better, but I always knew that I could get better.
Just be nice to people and be someone people want to work with because if people don't like working with you it's just not going to work out.
I read one thing, and 100 people can say good things then you read one bad thing that says you're the worst and you believe them.
我認為友誼比工作更有價值。 如果為了工作而毀了它,那非常愚蠢。
I think friendships are a lot more valuable than one job. If you're going to let it ruin that, then that's stupid.
My biggest fear is the people I love not knowing how much I love them. I just want to remind people all the time.
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