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The North Face今年秋冬呈現2024年喜馬拉雅羽絨服三十周年特別款,也帶來新色系設計。圖/The North Face提供

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The North Face秋冬呈現2024年喜馬拉雅羽絨服三十周年特別款。圖/The North Face提供

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The North Face秋冬呈現2024年喜馬拉雅羽絨服三十周年特別款。圖/The North Face提供

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The North Face秋冬呈現2024年喜馬拉雅羽絨服三十周年特別款。圖/The North Face提供

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ECCO x White Mountaineering快閃店位於台北SOGO忠孝館一樓前廣場。圖/ECCO提供

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丹麥鞋履與生活風格品牌ECCO攜手日本戶外時尚領域先鋒品牌White Mountaineering,推出限量聯名膠囊系列。圖/ECCO提供

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適逢ECCO BIOM家族15周年,限量聯名結合White Mountaineering主理人相澤陽介的設計美學,嶄新演繹BIOM C-TRAIL及BIOM 2.1 X MOUNTAIN兩大熱門戶外運動鞋。圖/ECCO提供

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ECCO X White Mountaineering BIOM 2.1 X MOUNTAIN男鞋白色,13,800元。圖/ECCO提供

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ECCO X White Mountaineering BIOM C-TRAIL男鞋黑色,12,800元。圖/ECCO提供