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De Beers Infinity系列半鑲鑽戒指。圖/De Beers Jewellers提供

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由品牌大使Lupita Nyong'o演繹的「Where it Begins 」經典單鑽與婚嫁珠寶系列形象。圖/De Beers Jewellers提供

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由品牌大使Lupita Nyong'o演繹的「Where it Begins 」經典單鑽與婚嫁珠寶系列形象。圖/De Beers Jewellers提供

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De Beers DB Classic鉑金梨形切割鑽石戒指 - 主鑽1克拉起,31萬3,000元起。圖/De Beers Jewellers提供

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由品牌大使Lupita Nyong'o演繹的「Where it Begins 」經典單鑽與婚嫁珠寶系列形象。圖/De Beers Jewellers提供

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由品牌大使Lupita Nyong'o演繹的「Where it Begins 」經典單鑽與婚嫁珠寶系列形象。圖/De Beers Jewellers提供

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De Beers Aura鉑金欖尖形切割鑽石戒指,主鑽1克拉起,約54萬5,000元起。圖/De Beers Jewellers提供

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由品牌大使Lupita Nyong'o演繹的「Where it Begins 」經典單鑽與婚嫁珠寶系列形象。圖/De Beers Jewellers提供

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De Beers DB Classic系列結婚戒指。圖/De Beers Jewellers提供

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De Beers DB Classic鉑金心形切割鑽石戒指,主鑽1克拉起,52萬元起。圖/De Beers Jewellers提供

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由品牌大使Lupita Nyong'o演繹的「Where it Begins 」經典單鑽與婚嫁珠寶系列形象。圖/De Beers Jewellers提供

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De Beers Infinity鉑金圓形明亮式鑽石戒指,中央主鑽由0.20克拉起,10萬1,000元起;層疊配搭Infinity 18K白金全鑲鑽結婚戒指。圖/De Beers Jewellers提供

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De Beers The Promise系列結婚戒指。圖/De Beers Jewellers提供

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De Beers The Promise 18K玫瑰金圓形明亮式鑽石戒指,主鑽1克拉起,48萬2,000元起。圖/De Beers Jewellers提供