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The North FaceUrban Exploration男款Oxeye Tech都市戶外鞋,5,380元。圖/The North Face提供

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The North FaceUrban Exploration女款棕色迷彩防水透氣拉鍊下擺連帽衝鋒衣,13,380元。圖/The North Face提供

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The North FaceUrban Exploration支線,春夏系列加入潮流元素,以大地色系為主體,點綴了螢光綠、克萊因藍。圖/The North Face提供

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The North FaceUrban Exploration支線春夏系列,女裝印花多結構風衣。圖/The North Face提供

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The North FaceUrban Exploration男款藍色拼接防水透氣多口袋連帽衝鋒衣,18,380元。圖/The North Face提供