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The North Face新款雪服,採用亮眼的螢光配色,讓玩家在雪場上成為焦點。圖/The North Face提供
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The North Face應景推出兔年新春系列,都加上專屬兔年印花,傳遞節日氛圍。圖/The North Face提供
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The North Face防水透氣雪褲,6,380元。圖/The North Face提供
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Lafuma ACCESS二件式防水保暖化纖外套,10,800元。 圖/Go Wild提供
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CHUMS Russian Cap保暖風格帽,1,680元。 圖/Go Wild提供
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The North Face滿版兔子印花保暖休閒鞋,3,880元。圖/The North Face提供
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The North Face兔紋迷彩防水透氣寬鬆連帽衝鋒衣,11,880元。圖/The North Face提供
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The North Face應景推出兔年新春系列,都加上專屬兔年印花,傳遞節日氛圍。圖/The North Face提供