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The North Face Nuptse 30周年限定版圓領衫2,380元。圖/The North Face提供

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The North Face Nuptse 30周年限定版羽絨外套14,880元。圖/The North Face提供

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Nuptse系列還推出圓領衫與連帽上衣,身上印花圖案則是呼應了人類征服高山的情景。圖/The North Face提供

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The North Face Nuptse 30周年特展,現場佈置成宛如努子峰的,讓參與者也能回溯到Nuptse羽絨外套誕生時的時空背景。圖/The North Face提供

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The North Face Nuptse 30周年限定版羽絨外套16,880元。圖/The North Face提供

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全新限定版的Nuptse系列外套,復刻了1992年的初版剪裁,並採用黑、紅拼接的配色,以及印刷了雪山意象圖案款式,並搭配30周年限定袖章設計。圖/The North Face提供