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The North Face UE系列丹寧裙6,380元。圖/The North Face提供
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The North Face UE系列City Polo洋裝7,380元。圖/The North Face提供
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The North Face延續「城即自然」的主題,定調了即將上市的The North Face Urban Exploration秋冬系列。圖/The North Face提供
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Canada Goose請來演員寇弟(Cole Sprouse)執掌秋冬形象大片拍攝特地選了亞伯達洛磯山脈為背景,同時捕捉服飾的飽和色彩,並凸顯最真實美景。圖/Canada Goose提供
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The North Face UE系列夾克式襯衫8,380元。圖/The North Face提供
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The North Face UE系列Dryvent夾克與背心組合,26,760元。圖/The North Face提供