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Zendaya配戴BVLGARI Eden The Garden of Wonders系列Divine Paraiba頂級彩寶與鑽石項鍊與Emerald Ode頂級祖母綠鑽戒。

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BVLGARI Eden The Garden of Wonders系列Heart Of Rome頂級祖母綠與鑽石項鍊,鉑金鑲嵌1顆枕形切割哥倫比亞祖母綠重約42.31克拉。圖/寶格麗提供

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Zendaya配戴寶格麗Eden The Garden of Wonders系列頂級珠寶登上時尚雜誌《VOGUE》義大利文版的封面。圖/摘自IG @zendaya

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BVLGARI Eden The Garden of Wonders系列Emerald Ode頂級祖母綠鑽戒,鉑金鑲嵌1顆骨董枕形切割哥倫比亞祖母綠重約11.38克拉。圖/寶格麗提供

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Zendaya配戴BVLGARI Eden The Garden of Wonders系列Mediterranean Reverie頂級藍寶石與鑽石項鍊

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BVLGARI Eden The Garden of Wonders系列Mediterranean Reverie頂級藍寶石與鑽石項鍊,鉑金鑲嵌1顆枕形切割斯里蘭卡皇家藍藍寶石重約107.15克拉。圖/寶格麗提供

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Zendaya配戴BVLGARI Eden The Garden of Wonders系列Mediterranean Reverie頂級藍寶石與鑽石項鍊

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BVLGARI Eden The Garden of Wonders系列Heart Of Rome頂級祖母綠與鑽石項鍊,鉑金鑲嵌1顆枕形切割哥倫比亞祖母綠重約42.31克拉。圖/寶格麗提供

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BVLGARI Eden The Garden of Wonders系列Divine Paraiba頂級彩寶與鑽石項鍊,白金鑲嵌1顆水滴形琢面切割莫三比克帕拉依巴碧璽重約52.40克拉。圖/寶格麗提供

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BVLGARI Eden The Garden of Wonders系列Mediterranean Reverie頂級藍寶石與鑽石項鍊,鉑金鑲嵌1顆枕形切割斯里蘭卡皇家藍藍寶石重約107.15克拉。圖/寶格麗提供

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BVLGARI Eden The Garden of Wonders系列Mediterranean Reverie頂級藍寶石與鑽石項鍊,鉑金鑲嵌1顆枕形切割斯里蘭卡皇家藍藍寶石重約107.15克拉。圖/寶格麗提供

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BVLGARI Eden The Garden of Wonders系列Emerald Ode頂級祖母綠鑽戒,鉑金鑲嵌1顆骨董枕形切割哥倫比亞祖母綠重約11.38克拉。圖/寶格麗提供

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Zendaya配戴BVLGARI Eden The Garden of Wonders系列Heart Of Rome頂級祖母綠與鑽石項鍊登上時尚雜誌《VOGUE》義大利文版的封面。圖/摘自IG @zendaya