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The North Face和KAWS聯名系列,在台開賣當天更是罕見造成排隊搶購人潮。圖/摘自台北101臉書粉絲團
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The North Face和KAWS聯名系列,在台開賣當天更是罕見造成排隊搶購人潮。圖/摘自台北101臉書粉絲團
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為了KAWS聯名款上市,The North Face也改變了台北101門市的店裝。圖/The North Face提供
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為了KAWS聯名款上市,The North Face也改變了台北101門市的店裝。圖/The North Face提供
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The North Face與KAWS聯名系列毛帽1,980元。圖/The North Face提供
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The North Face與KAWS聯名系列1996 NUPTSE褲款17,380元。圖/The North Face提供
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The North Face與KAWS聯名系列1986 MOUNTAIN夾克19,800元。 圖/The North Face提供
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The North Face與KAWS聯名系列連帽上衣6,380元。圖/The North Face提供
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The North Face與KAWS聯名系列BASECAMP DUFFEL包9,380元。圖/The North Face提供
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The North Face與KAWS聯名系列刷毛夾克14,880元。圖/The North Face提供
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The North Face與KAWS聯名系列1996 NUPTSE夾克2,4800元。圖/The North Face提供