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2021 Black Label Masterpiece大師系列花之精靈胸針榮獲英國倫敦藝博會Masterpiece Awards巨匠臻藏大獎。圖/CINDY CHAO The Art Jewel提供

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2018年Masterpiece London倫敦巨匠臻藏藝博會。圖/CINDY CHAO The Art Jewel提供

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2019年Masterpiece London倫敦巨匠臻藏藝博會。圖/CINDY CHAO The Art Jewel提供

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2016 Black Label Masterpiece大師系列IX冬葉套鍊榮獲Masterpiece London倫敦大師傑作展頒發大會傑出獎。圖/CINDY CHAO The Art Jewel提供

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珠寶藝術家Cindy Chao。圖/CINDY CHAO The Art Jewel提供

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2021 Black Label Masterpiece大師系列花之精靈胸針榮獲英國倫敦藝博會Masterpiece Awards巨匠臻藏大獎。圖/CINDY CHAO The Art Jewel提供