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The North Face X Brain Dead 聯名外套,售價16,380元。圖/The North Face提供
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Momentum Select集合多款「山系」潮流穿搭單品。圖/摩曼頓提供
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摩曼頓打造新型態戶外潮流概念選品店「Momentum Select」
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The North Face日前與洛杉磯藝術街頭品牌Brain Dead合作聯名商品。圖/The North Face提供
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The North Face X Brain Dead 聯名帽T,售價4,380元。圖/The North Face提供
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Momentum Select首度引進「這群人」周邊商品。圖/摩曼頓提供
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潮帽New Era獨賣日線山系商品。圖/摩曼頓提供