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Crate and Barrel今年以純淨白、洗灰木和諾貝松綠構成的基礎色調,呈現寧靜恬適的北歐耶誕風格。圖/Crate and Barrel提供

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IKEA VINTERFEST上菜湯碗附蓋,售價349元。圖/IKEA提供

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IKEA VINTERFEST系列餐具,可搭配同系列以瑞典傳統圖案設計的紅白桌布及餐巾紙,傳遞濃厚節慶氛圍。圖/IKEA提供

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IKEA STRÅLA LED裝飾桌燈,售價629元。圖/IKEA提供

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Crate and Barrel Snowflake燭台,原價550元。圖/Crate and Barrel提供

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Crate and Barrel Village陶瓷罐香氛蠟燭系列。圖/Crate and Barrel提供

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善用紅、綠、白色系交錯混搭,就能輕鬆布置耶誕餐桌。圖/Crate and Barrel提供

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燭光燈飾與冬季應景植物,可為耶誕餐桌增添應景溫暖氛圍。圖/Crate and Barrel提供

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善用紅色系餐盤混搭,可從耶誕節一路用到過年。圖為Crate and Barrel Marin餐盤26cm紅,原價420元。圖/Crate and Barrel提供

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