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Daniel Wellington Mother of Pearl系列腕表,表盤的粉色珍珠母貝,因為具有天然獨特紋路,所以在不同的角度下的光澤亦不相同。圖/Daniel Wellington提供

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Briston NEW CLUBMASTER ELEGANT系列腕表,義大利玳瑁醋酸酯表殼,11,500元。圖/Cobblestone提供

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Daniel Wellington Mother of Pearl系列Quadro腕表,鍍玫瑰金色表殼、表鍊,6,990元。圖/Daniel Wellington提供

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Briston NEW CLUBMASTER ELEGANT系列腕表,精鋼表殼、表鍊,10,500元。圖/Cobblestone提供

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流行品牌Daniel Wellington首度讓Quadro方表和Petite腕表,搭載珍珠母貝表盤,推出全新限定「Mother of Pearl系列」。圖/Daniel Wellington提供

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Daniel Wellington Mother of Pearl系列Petite腕表,鍍玫瑰金色表殼,5,490元。圖/Daniel Wellington提供